Halifax's Historic Properties
CILFO Translations provides translation services to a variety of Halifax organizations. We also have freelance translators who may be operating from a Halifax base that service clients located throughout North America.
Population: 372,858 (estimate @ January 2006)
Languages Spoken: English (official)
Major Employers with Headquarters in Halifax
"The largest employer in the Halifax Regional Municipality is government, with most provincial government departments headquartered in the area, as well as many regional offices for federal government departments and agencies.
Canada's Department of National Defence is the largest single employer and Halifax Harbour continues to serve a major military purpose as home port for Maritime Forces Atlantic. CFB Halifax is Canada's largest naval base and the nation's largest military base in number of personnel. This base comprises various shore-based facilities including HMC Dockyard, Stadacona, CFAD Bedford, and other adjunct facilities throughout HRM and central Nova Scotia.
Approximately 2/3 of the navy's major ships are home ported in Halifax. Another major military facility is located at 12 Wing, CFB Shearwater in Eastern Passage. This is the home base of naval aviation in Canada and is presently used as a heliport for the CH-124 Sea King."
Source: Wikipedia – Content available under GNU Free Documentation License
CILFO Translations Contact Information
Telephone: 613-722-3515
Toll Free: 1-888-722-3515
Fax: 613-221-9511
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