The sun sets on office buildings in Hull (Gatineau)
CILFO Translations is headquartered in Ottawa and serves clients throughout North America.
Population (greater Ottawa-Gatineau area): 1,130,761 (estimate @ January 2006)
Languages Spoken: English (official); French (unofficial)
Ottawa-Gatineau is the nation's capital and home to many Government of Canada departments and institutions, including the Public Works and Government Services Translation Bureau. Large private sector employers include Nortel, Alcatel, Cognos (now IBM owned), Tundra, Cisco, MDS Nordion, Entrust, MBNA Canada, ING Direct and Clarica among others. There are a number of educational institutions including the University of Ottawa's School of Translation and Interpretation.
"Ottawa-Gatineau in 2003 is one of the most prosperous cities in Canada. It enjoys healthy financial growth, has the best-educated workforce in Canada and the second-highest salary per person. Ottawa celebrates its status as a capital city and all the benefits this brings. Total revenue for the city in 2003 is $33.378 billion; federal government revenue is an additional $173.315 billion – a percentage of which is spent in the national capital.
Geographically, Ottawa is one of Canada's largest metropolitan areas with a land area of over 2,600 square kilometres. Almost ninety per cent of the city's area is rural countryside. Most of the 819,000 residents live in the urban area; 80,000 live in rural Ottawa – 20,000 also work there. There are 51 villages and hamlets in rural Ottawa.
During 2001, Ottawa's gross domestic product grew by 8%, the largest in Canada. Despite a shaky global economic climate in 2002, the Ottawa and Canadian economies remain strong. Job growth is steady. Ottawa's unemployment is relatively low – 7.1% in mid 2002, a full percentage point below the national average.
As of June 2002, Ottawa had 434,500 jobs. It is estimated that technology employs about 67,000 or 15.4% of the total jobs. From January 1999 to January 2003, Ottawa created about 58,000 new jobs, an increase of 14.7%."
Source: City of Ottawa
CILFO Translations Contact Information
Telephone: 613-722-3515
Toll Free: 1-888-722-3515
Fax: 613-221-9511
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