The Via Rail station in downtown London.
CILFO Translations provides translation services to a variety of London organizations. We also have freelance translators who may be operating from a London, Ontario base that service clients located throughout North America.
Population: 457,720 (estimate @ January 2006)
Languages Spoken: English (official)
Major Employers with Headquarters in London
"London's economy is dominated by locomotive and military vehicle production, insurance, and information technology; the London Life insurance company was founded there, and Electro-Motive Diesels, Inc. (formerly General Motors' Electro-Motive Division) now builds all its locomotives in London. General Dynamics Land Systems also builds armoured personnel carriers in London.
London also is a source of life sciences and biotechnology related research; much of this is spurred on by the University of Western Ontario. The headquarters of the Canadian division of 3M are located in London and both the Labatt and Carling breweries were founded there. Kellogg's also has a major factory in London. Thanks to a $223 million expansion that started in 1984, Kellogg Canada's 106,000 square meter London plant is one of the most technologically advanced cereal manufacturing facilities within the Kellogg Company.
A portion of the population of the city work in factories outside of the city limits, including Ford and the joint General Motors Suzuki automotive plant CAMI, with further potential in a future Toyota plant in Woodstock."
Source: Wikipedia - Content available under GNU Free Documentation License
CILFO Translations Contact Information
Telephone: 613-722-3515
Toll Free: 1-888-722-3515
Fax: 613-221-9511
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