The Central Business District of Moncton
CILFO Translations provides translation services to a variety of Moncton organizations. We also have freelance translators who may be operating from a Moncton base that service clients located throughout North America.
Population: 126,424 (metro – estimate @ 2006)
Languages Spoken: French and English
"The city is situated in southeastern New Brunswick, within the Petitcodiac River Valley, and lies at the geographic centre of the Maritime Provinces. The community has gained the nickname "Hub City" because of its central location and also because Moncton has historically been the railway and land transportation hub for the Maritime Provinces.
Diversification in the early 1990s saw the rise of information technology, led by call centres which made use of the city's bilingual workforce. By the late 1990s, retail, manufacturing and service expansion began to occur in all sectors and within a decade of the closure of the CNR locomotive shops Moncton had more than made up for its employment losses. This dramatic turnaround in the fortunes of the city has been termed the "Moncton Miracle".
At present, the city's economy is stable and diversified, primarily based on its transportation, distribution, retailing and commercial heritage, but is supplemented by strength in the educational, health care, financial, information technology and insurance sectors. The strength of the economy has received national recognition and the local unemployment rate is consistently less than the national average.
Source: Wikipedia – Content available under GNU Free Documentation License
CILFO Translations Contact Information
Telephone: 613-722-3515
Toll Free: 1-888-722-3515
Fax: 613-221-9511
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